Ping Pong Prowess

This is at a girlfriend's house after the scout meeting on Friday. 

First, she tempted me to stay and hang out with a glass of wine.

Then an hour later, asks if I know how to play ping pong. 

Umm, I suck at ping pong. 

We have a table, but I am the worst player out of anyone I know. 

At my house, I am regularly slaughtered....actually, that would imply that I am invited to play a real game. 

No score is kept with me around.

My boys talk about how they have to "go easy on Mom".

Truly, it's  just a chance to tell me how to hold the paddle and let me hit it back and forth over the net.  Serving on me, is not an option, far too difficult for my skill level.

As, we are starting, my friend tells me how much she loves to play this game; she routinely schools her neighbors, her husband, anyone who will play her!

Knowing so little, she has to teach me how to keep score and when to serve, which is every 5 by the way.  I find, I can, in fact, hit the ball.  All the instruction at home has paid off.

It was a close match; she only beat me by 2 points!! 

I am SO playing with the wrong crowd.

Moments like this keep me grounded.  Reminding me, my house of perfectionistic-overachievers, who do not like to do anything half way, are not the norm, but the exception.  We have a German made table (for better bounce), competition balls (orange, not white) and there are individuals in my family who have their own personal paddles (superior grip)...with matching leather carrying cases.  I kid you not.

Dr T learned how to play table tennis at the rec center growing up.  Don't let that fool you.  He often ran into the man who coached the Olympic Chinese table tennis team back in the 80's.  The gentleman was kind enough to show an eager little blond haired boy how to execute a killer serve.  Something my husband has practiced for hours over the course of his lifetime.  Knowledge also passed on to our sons. So yeah.

Today was a much needed lesson in perspective.  I sometimes forget I am surrounded by rockstars.

Alright, who wants to play me?
February 15, 2013

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