Run Keeper App

One of my errands today was to take Liam's fabulous, 3.77 gpa, report card over to AAA to get the good student discount on his insurance. Every penny counts!

The AAA office isn't too terribly far away, and it IS a beautiful day out, so, I decide to put on my sneakers and walk over...enter the Run Keeper App for my iPhone. It's free and the sign up only takes two minutes. I plug in my headphones, actually, the ones I stole from Liam, key up my music, Glee, and press the start button on Run Keeper.

After only a few minutes it tells me how far I have gone, my pace, and how long my journey has been. I have to say, I found it to be pretty motivational. Maybe because I'm not a very good judge of distance, so every time it would say something like "you've gone one point two miles" I'd think to myself, wow, I am really tearing it up.

I chose to walk instead of run, mostly because last time I ran I ended up with chin-splints. Therefore, pace wasn't important to me, but eventually I could see that being important.  In the end, I snapped my final screen above.  4 miles!?  I didn't realize it was that far.  Overall, I liked the app, and will definitely use it again.  At the end of the walk I gave myself a little treat too!

February 12, 2013

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