Kitchen Scale and Beyond

Morning Coffee at our house is quite the culinary experience.  As with anything, there is room for improvement.  Moving onward and upward for us, at this point, means obtaining a kitchen scale so we can achieve dosing precision (said with a haughty English accent).  In layman's terms this means we want to weigh our coffee grounds. 
After standing in the aisle at Bed, Bath and Beyond for the greater part of 20 minutes, I decided on the Cuisinart...which wasn't in stock.  I took the display model and asked for a discount, 10% off is all they gave.  C'est la vie!

The problem with Bed, Bath and Beyond are all the other items I see when I'm there.  I didn't come to the store for these things, but they are calling to me.  My new solution is to take their picture and add them to the Consideration List.

Item #1 - more OXO Good Grips containers. I lurve the ones I have, but I'm quite certain I got them at Costco.  So $49.00 or $99.00 is not seeming like a gonga deal to me.  More research is needed.

Item #2 - Stainless steal canister with lids.  The price is the same for acrylic.  While standing there I check and they have the gigantic stainless one on sale for $16.99!  For flour, this would be ideal.  So no to these, unless I decide to move in this direction for pantry storage and want them to match. hmmm...

Item #3 - Pugz.  I was never considering buying these, fyi.  Snapping this picture was just so I could send Liam a text during the middle of the school day asking if he thought I could train Tank the chihuahua to wear these.  His paws are always cold in the winter. I kid you not.  So yes, I passed.
Which means, by my calculations, I passed on over $200 worth of "nonsense in my basket" (I wish I made that phrase up, but I have to give credit to the brilliant Heather Hansen ;). 
In the end, I walked away with my double discounted kitchen scale, since I used a $5 off coupon on top of my floor model discount AND a set of biscuit cutters I couldn't live without.  That's it.  Yay me...less things to be accountable for later.  Shew!

January 22, 2013 


  1. I'll have you know, I went into Walmart for a gallon of milk and walked out paying $230. By my calculations Steven cost me $225 worth of basket nonsense. He is not cheap!

    1. Haha! Now I want to know what he purchased. Is Walmart having a sale on something special, am I missing out, do I need to head over there today?! :)

    2. Um... let's see... what did he get...

      Well. He got a thermal shirt, because you know nothing says SEXY more than a Walmart thermal. And, uh... Deodorant.

      So yeah, that's less than $10 I can account for. Just goes to show you the high level of nonsense that was in the cart. *batting eyes*

    3. haha, so lots of practical things. Walmart and Target, such pits of temptation. :D
